Welcome to the Walker Amateur Radio Club home page. If you are a Ham we would like to have you visit us often. If you are not a Ham,thanks for your visit and we would like to see you become one of us.
We have a meeting on the fourth Tuesday night of each month, at 6:30 P.M. at the EMA office In the basement of the Walker Countycourthouse annex,and would love to have everyone that can, join us. We monitor 146.64/04 and our repeater is located on the Farmstead Water tower on hwy. 195 north at Five Points, north of Jasper,Alabama.
We are a small club but we are growing rapidly. We are active during times of severe weather and operate an emergency weather net, when inclement weather threatens. We have a training net on Monday nights at 8:00 P.M. local time. Please join us for the net if you can. We have CAVEC test sessions on the second Friday of odd numbered months at 6:30 P.M.. New officers elected May 28,2002 are:: President-Robert Williams W4FX
..... Vice President- J.R.Baughn ,W4JRB..... Secretary-Eddie Philips,N4EMP..... Treasurer-Ruby Williams ,W4EMA "73" J.R. and the W.A.R.C.