Welcome to the Walker Amateur Radio Club home page. If you are a Ham we would like to have you visit us often. If you are not a Ham,thanks for your visit and we would like to see you become one of us. We have a meeting on the fourth Tuesday night of each month, at 6:30 P.M. at the EMA office In the basement of the Walker Countycourthouse annex,and would love to have everyone that can, join us. We monitor 146.64/04 and our repeater is located on the Farmstead Water tower on hwy. 195 north at Five Points, north of Jasper,Alabama. We are a small club but we are growing rapidly. We are active during times of severe weather and operate an emergency weather net, when inclement weather threatens. We have a training net on Monday nights at 8:00 P.M. local time. Please join us for the net if you can. We have CAVEC test sessions on the second Friday of odd numbered months at 6:30 P.M.. New officers elected May 28,2002 are:: President-Robert Williams W4FX ..... Vice President- J.R.Baughn ,W4JRB..... Secretary-Eddie Philips,N4EMP..... Treasurer-Ruby Williams ,W4EMA "73" J.R. and the W.A.R.C.

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WARC'S List of Helpful Links

W4JRB's Ham's Delight
Ham Radio links and other information.
American Radio Relay League
Ham Radio Service
Walker Emergency Management Assosiation Webpage.
EMA webpage.
Q R Z Data Base
Look up those calls.
Blount County Radio Club Webpage.
Support our neighbors.
Weather Satellite
Looping Southeast Satellite Radar
NWS Weather Forcast
Get your weather news here
Daily Mountain Eagle
Read our local newspaper. Jasper,Alabama
King Features Comics
Enjoy these comics.
My Virtual Reference Desk.
A World of Information and References.
Please visit and sign in and let me know what you think and how I can make improvements.
KC4TEI"s Webpage
Visit a friend and fellow Ham's homepage.
Lighting Stalker
Some impressive photo's and slideshows.
NASA Space
Pictures and information about NASA space program.
Library of Congress
Library of Congress,Books and Records
The Birminghan Post Herald
Birmingham Alabama Newspaper
CNN Sports
Get your sports news
CNN Cable news network
Cable news
USA Today news
News updates and latest developments.
R.T. Systems
Ham Radio Sales- Huntsville,Al.
Amateur Electronic Supply
Amateur Radio Equipment Sales
Ham Radio Outlet
Amateur Radio Equipment Sales
Amateur Radio Equipment Sales
Yaesu Ham Equipment
Yaesu Amateur Radio Club
Club news
Kenwood web site
Icom radio webpage
Birmingham Amateur Radio Club
Club Page
Intercity link Directory
Link Frequencys
Alabama Emergency Response Team
FCC Homepage
Information and links
Ham Radio Webpage
Take Ham Radio Practice Exams.
Ham Exam W5AC
Take practice Ham exams.
R.F. Exposure
R.F. Regulations
R.F. Safety Calculator.
Complete World Wide Ham Call Server.
Handy Hams
Help for Hams with disabilities.
Virtual Hamfeast
Sale or Trade
Amateur Radio Bookmark
Ham radio links.
Shuttle Audio Frequencies
Listen to the Astronauts
Mapblast Home
A fine mapping site.
Amateur links and information.
A W4DX Rated "A1" recomended site.
ARRL Web Members Only.
A special site for ARRL members only.
Montgomery Amateur Radio Club
Montgomery Alabama Club webpage.
QSL.NET Homepage
QSL and Amateur Related Site.
Shelby County Amateur Radio Club
See what the Shelby County club is doing.

J.R. Baughn

265 Baughn Road
E-mail w4jrb@direcway.com
Jasper, AL 35503
United States